For an upcoming project I want to use microservices on my Raspberry Pi. This means multiple process will take care of individual tasks. To coordinate these processes they need to communicate with each other. A great way to implement this is using a Redis server. Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store and can be used as a database, cache and message broker. Since version 4.0 Redis supports ARM processors and gets tested against the Raspberry Pi.

All microservices on the Raspberry will run as docker containers. Docker provides a method of packaging software to include not only your code, but also other components such as a full file system, system tools, services, and libraries. You can then run the software on multiple machines without a lot of setup. Each microservice is independent and it is very easy to manage or exchange certain services.

The short tutorial assumes you already have a Raspberry Pi setup with Raspbian.

Install Docker

Installing Docker on the Raspberry Pi has become fairly easy lately. You only need to run the following code from your bash.

$ curl -sSL | sh

After installing Docker you might want to add the user pi to the docker group. This allows you to run Docker commands without using sudo.

$ sudo usermod -G docker pi

Create Dockerfile

Now we will create our Docker image for the Redis server. We will use the rpi-raspbian image from resin as our base image and add the redis-server to it. Also we will expose the port 6379 which is the Redis communication port. At the end we will start the redis server with the flag --protected-mode no. If you don't use this flag you will not be able to connect to the Redis server from a network interface other then the loopback adapter. If we would install Redis directly on our host machine this would be OK. However as we run it in a Docker container a connection from the host will be handled like a connection from the outside. That is why we need to enable this flag here.

FROM resin/rpi-raspbian:stretch

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y redis-server

CMD ["redis-server", "--protected-mode no"]

Build the docker image

Now we can build the image by typing:

$ docker build -t rpi-redis .

This will take a while. When the build is finished we can see the new image in the image list.

$ docker images
REPOSITORY           TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
rpi-redis            latest              e3212d56205f        3 hours ago         174MB
resin/rpi-raspbian   stretch             79d4a99c6e95        4 days ago          145MB

Run the image

To run our image in a new container we need the following command.

$ docker run -d -p6379:6379 --restart unless-stopped rpi-redis

The -d flag runs the container in detached mode as a background service. The -p6379:6379 argument tells docker to publish the port 6379 to our host. The last argument --restart unless-stopped tells docker to automatically start our container when the Raspberry has been booted.

Test the Redis server

To test our new microservice we will use the Python library python-redis. We install it with pip:

$ sudo pip3 install redis

We will write a string bar to a variable named foo. Afterwards we will read the variable foo and the value should be bar.

>>> import redis
>>> client = redis.Redis()
>>> client.set('foo', 'bar')
>>> client.get('foo')

Of course this is a very simple example but it shows how redis works. The true power of Redis will be revealed if you use it for inter-process communication.
